Social story example: going to the park
Here’s an example of how you could put a simple social story together about a visit to the park.
1. Heading to the park
Visual: Picture of a child holding an adult’s hand, smiling, and walking towards a park entrance. Text: “Today, we are going to visit the park. The park is a nice place to be, and we can have fun while staying safe.”
2. Arriving at the park
Visual: Image of the park entrance with trees, a playground, and people in the background.
Text: “When we arrive at the park, we will see other people. Some might be walking, running, or playing. It’s okay; we will have our own space to enjoy.”
3. Staying safe
Visual: Illustration of a child standing close to an adult, with a safe space circle around them.
Text: “We will stay close to our grown-up or buddy. If we feel overwhelmed, we can communicate how we feel. We can find a quiet spot if we need a break.”
4. Being around other people
Visual: Picture of a playground with kids playing, and the child waiting patiently. Text: “There might be kids playing on the playground. We will wait our turn to use the swings and slides. If someone is too close, we can step back or move to another area. It’s okay to watch other kids play if we don’t want to join in right away.”
5. Things we will see and hear
Visual: Picture of a child listening with hands cupped over ears, looking at birds, and smelling a flower. Text: “We might hear birds, the wind, or people talking, other children may be laughing and talking. If it gets too loud, we can use headphones or earplugs. We will see green trees, colourful flowers, and maybe some animals like birds or bugs. We might smell flowers, grass, and fresh air.”
7. Taking breaks
Visual: Image of a child sitting on a bench with a favourite toy and a snack.
Text: “We can take breaks whenever we need to. Just tell our grown-up or buddy. We can bring a favourite toy or book to help us feel calm. Drinking water and having a snack can also help us feel better.”
8. Transitioning home
Visual: Picture of a child and adult walking back to the car, waving goodbye to the park.
Text: “When it’s time to leave, our grown- up or buddy will let us know. We will say goodbye to the park. We can walk back to the car or bike and head home. If we feel sad about leaving, we can talk about coming back another time.”
9. Looking forward to next time
Visual: Image of a child thinking about the park, with a thought bubble showing the park.
Text: “We can visit the park again on another day. Every visit might be a little different, and that’s okay. We will always have fun and stay safe.”