Journeys of strength: special needs families – I see you
By Natalie Roberts-Mazzeo, Writer, speaker and founder of Miracle Mama
My Facebook feed is full of families sharing their journey’s of their children with additional needs.
I see joy, I see courage, I see bravery, I see inclusion.
I see the celebrations when their child has achieved something most of us take for granted.
I see miracles over and over again.
I see parents, siblings and the community embrace this unique special needs life.
Yet I also see the other side, I see the heartbreaking updates of children who suffer from the medical issues associated with their condition.
I see a mother overwhelmed as she has to bare witness to the struggles of her own beautiful child. I see footage of a child crying through an hour long seizure, or recovering in hospital with pain, or hooked up to machines to help them breathe, eat or sleep, or working so hard through a therapy session.
I see a mother’s anguish as she reaches out to the online community, desperately seeking for help with all the associated unknowns.
I see children who should be running free in the sunshine, instead they are confined to a wheelchair, to medication leads and more.
I see their warrior-like spirit as they endure so much on their little bodies.
I see their courageous brave and lion hearts.
I see parents who despite their grief and worry, continue to show up with love beyond fear.
I see resilience and grace.
I see incredible amounts of patience and perseverance.
I see extraordinary measures of love and trust.
Yet through all the grief, rage and injustice along side love, grace and acceptance..
I see you.
I see you – the child, the mother, the father, the special needs sibling.
I see people who without knowing it, are changing the world.
I see a kind of love that has overcome extraordinary circumstances that continues to flow abundantly.
So to all the special needs children, parents and families, I honour and see you.
A version of this post originally appeared on Miracle Mama.
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